Middle School in Distance Mar 1 – Mar 12

Covid exposures are a serious issue and unfortunately at this time ASA does not have the substitute capacity to have 7 staff all out of the building at the same time.  Due to the nature of the exposure, the best option for containing this exposure as quickly as possible and minimize the amount of distance learning time is to transition the middle school into distance learning for the next two weeks (March 1 – 12).  While we understand the inconvenience of this, it is to limit any potential spread and get students back into class as soon as staff can clear the quarantine period.  I would like to stress the importance of following covid protocols (social distancing, mask wearing, hand washing, etc) as this is a prime example of how quickly an outbreak can push us back into distance.  If you at all suspect an exposure or symptoms, it is highly recommended for that person to stay home and get tested as soon as possible to rule out a positive case as best as possible. While quarantined as a close contact it is recommended to not be around anyone as much as possible, this includes social events, sports, clubs, etc until the period is over.  A message was sent out via Skyward that has additional information about the steps to take when someone is a close contact.

Thank you for your patience during this,
Kevin Fitton – Executive Director