On Friday, November 10th 2023, ASA was honored to host our first Veteran’s Day Program. From students presenting on the different military branches, to singing the Star Spangled Banner, to the local VFW posting and retiring the colors, we came together to dedicate time in celebrating our Veterans.
One of the highlights was our very own 7th grader who played Taps for us! Take a listen: https://youtube.com/shorts/inGK9SC3-fE
Here are just some of our ASA family Vets that attended:
One of the most special ways we got to honor our vets was through a district-wide collaborative creation of a slideshow highlighting the sacrifice of our staff and student’s families. Check it out here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vTWv9NqfiuyoXe5TQHlgNuvO6BBOy4r6jJXoIlTJhtTrrZEDlM4sWQVPWR5WhADbZ6wrbG5B0MRBAFT/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000
THANK YOU to all the staff, students, and families who came together to celebrate with us.